
How To Get Traffic To Your Website 2021

  hi everyone this is my website h-educate.com if you go into similar web extensions you will see i'm getting around 141,000 views every month and you can see the chart it's always growing and increasing

 if you go to my other website Zeeshan Online Tv   you will see i'm also getting around 119,000 views and growing in my in-depth analytics   

you can see every day i'm getting around 14,000 15,000 views to my websites 

it's like 250,000 or more views per month to my websites how i am doing this simply by following the strategies i will explain in this course today in this free course in this   full free course the get traffic mastery course 

i will show you almost every single strategy to get traffic to your websites don't miss it if you want traffic here is the answer stay tuned hi everyone i'm Zeeshan from Zeeshan Online Tv and today i'm so happy to publish this new free course   

before we start two simple points number one the giveaway the $1000 cash giveaway is still running if you want to join go now to description below and join the give away the second point 

if you like to watch more videos about online business digital marketing making money online and much much more please start with strategy number one 

which is content syndication or what i call traffic bombing what is traffic bombing or content syndication   

it's simply copying and pasting and publishing your content on different websites on the internet that are already getting traffic like what if you go here to my screen 

you can see   the first one is Tumbler if you go to tumbler and you'll see it has a lot of views 328 million views   per month the second website is linked in it has around 1.7 billion third one reddit.com it has   around 1.7 billion i'm not talking about engaging with people and answering questions 

and so on no   those websites allows you to create your own blogs your own spaces on so why not to take advantage of   this if you go here as an example to tumbler you will see i have my own blog i will open it here open tumbler blog you can see 

if you go here to my posts you will see i am posting the same articles on the platform how this helps simply this platform is getting a lot of views 

and people may search for content here and your content may appeal to those people so in this way you are reaching new people new audience on these websites so simply go to tumbler create a blog and simply copy and paste your posts inside tumbler another 

example is LinkedIn when i say LinkedIn i'm talking about writing articles on LinkedIn you can see here in   the start post section you can click on write article and post a full article on LinkedIn   

if you go here to my profile you will see i have articles posted you can see they're the same articles that are posted here on my blog i just copy them and post on LinkedIn you can see the engagements the second website the third website is Reddit here i'm not talking about engaging with people no go and create a sub Reddit as i do 

if you go here and click on this sub Reddit work from home today this sub Reddit is for me create one Reddit and start pasting your content   publishing your content also on Reddit and if anyone searches for your content 

you may reach more and more people this is very important please think about it website number four is quora if you don't know quora it's simply a website where people ask questions and you can answer them   

but here in this section i'm not talking about answering questions if you go here to this side you can see this make money online here it's called a quora space you can also create a space on quora and start posting your articles on the space 

this is very important so you can see here i have like 3,000 followers or 3.7,000 followers in this space where i post my content also from my blog or from my channel from whatever 

i want i can reach more people and get more traffic so create a Quora space and post your articles and content in then we have zeeshanonlinetv.blogspot.com in this website you can post your articles for free this website also gets around 2 million visits per month 

it's very good the other website is medium you can see my blog on medium it's also very important create a free blog on medium and post the content on this website 

medium also gets around 200 million views per month the other website is mix.com mix is somehow easier 

if you go here to mix click on the plus icon and get any blog post here and paste the link and mix automatically will fetch the data the image the title everything and click on mix select the category as an example email marketing and i will click on done 

now it's mixed in the platform in this way you can also reach more and more people so the first strategy is simply and which works best with blogging and blogs is to copy your articles and syndicate or bomb over the internet on different websites 

all these websites are free why not to post the content on and reach more people think about it it's super simple and you will get traffic for free from these websites 

so this is number one strategy number one which is content syndication or traffic bombing method i will keep all the links of these websites description below 

so don't worry about anything for now okay when you finish the video you can check the description and get all the links   from my description below let's now move on to the second strategy which is social media 

when we say social media of course i don't mean spamming other groups and so on no i'm talking about spreading   your own links on your own profiles as an example in my case this is my tumbler account this is my   LinkedIn account my profile this is my Facebook account 

i have some groups and a Facebook page   this is my twitter profile this is my Instagram profile this is my pinterest profile simply i can   get my blog post or my website link or whatever and i publish on social media okay so you can get   traffic from social media and we call this social signals by the way in seo anyway 

so how to do this   you can simply go manually as an example let's do this i will copy this link this blog post i can go   here to Facebook to my profile or to my page 

and go here click on create post and paste the link like this and post it and add some description 

if you want some tags whatever the same for twitter   you can click here and paste i think it's so simple by the way to publish a post or a link on social media 

now in my case i use social media automation tools you don't need to use it as a beginner you can start by copying and pasting manually but if you want to make things easier you can use some tools like hoot suite like buffer in my case 

i use a tool called content studio i don't know if you heard about it before so let's do this together to show you how simple is to use   a social media information tool  

click here on publish on the composer section social media post i simply paste the link here and i click on my Facebook page Facebook groups my twitter profile my LinkedIn my tumbler 

whatever i want i can add some description here some hashtags and let's do this i will open this blog post and i will copy this introduction or this one 

i will go here back   to social composer and paste here it will show you this thread because on twitter if you customize on twitter we have a limited number of characters so i will remove this from twitter like this so here we are we can also add some hashtags in LinkedIn and tumbler 

whatever you want and click on post now and then click on post now and that's it the system automatically now posts on all my social profiles as i told you you are not required to use tool like this you can do this manually 

it's up to you i'm showing you what i do just to show you some ideas   if you want anyway so after you publish on twitter on Facebook on LinkedIn on tumbler you can also publish on Instagram and pinterest now on Instagram if you are following and if you know about Instagram you can't publish a link directly 

so what i do usually if you go here to my profile i will show you an example this one this is an Instagram post if you go to my captions you will see i attach the link in the caption so you can also promote some stuff from Instagram even 

if you have less than ten thousand followers if you have more than ten thousand you can create a story   and add a link also in Instagram you can add a bio link like this one you can see this bio link if you click on it it will open this simple web page 

how i create this i use this service called biolink.com and by the way this service is for me i published it and to help you more i will run another giveaway in this video three free accounts for one year in bio link 

if you want to join click on the link in description below also this service helps you   to create a free bio link link and add to your ticktock or your Instagram account and so on  the last social profile i have is pinterest now on pinterest somehow different 

you can see here   my pins you can add pins on pinterest you can see all these are pins if you open any of these pins   like this one and click on it you will see it will take you to my YouTube video here as an example promoting my YouTube video 

you can promote your links your blog whatever you want inside pinterest how to create a pin let's do this together create a pin now a special thing about pinterest you need   to create this pin image which is have somehow a custom design i use canva to make things simple for me so i go to canva.com i talk about this before click on create a design and search for pinterest pin 

and it will give you the best size automatically so let's say i want to promote this post i want to create this post vertically so i will say here as an example search for email copy this like this just to make things now fast and simple paste this title

 i will make it 52 as an example change for intro rust and change the background to whatever like this or like this okay as an example download this image download and now go back to pinterest upload this image go here upload it and simply copy the title paste here and copy the link and paste here and also 

you can add some description like this one here and also you can add some hashtags like email   marketing whatever to reach more people and simply click on publish 

that simple i published a pin now   so anyone searching for something related to email-marketing or related to my content will   find it on pinterest and i can get more traffic from pinterest 

you can see here in my account i have like 14,000 monthly views on my pins which is very good okay so this is the second strategy which spread which is spreading your content all over your social profiles if you don't have social profiles till today what are you waiting for go and start creating and growing your social profile and your social presence now let's move on to the third strategy which is q&a and forums 

websites again the first website is Quora.com the top a website worldwide you can see here again in   the analytics it gets around 500 million visits and the top from united states 40% from the us so it's a great source of traffic 

if you go here to my profile you will see i have like 386,000 content views on this website 

which is really perfect what you are going to do here in Quora is not to spam please don't spam is to search for topics related to your blog to your service to your website whatever as an example i have some servers about email marketing i want to promote or   

i have some articles about email marketing so i will say email marketing and search and you will   see Quora will show you a lot of questions that 

we can answer to get the traffic from okay you open as an example this question you write like in my case i have an answer here 

i   will open it and this is my answer and inside the answer you can link back to your website   and so on but please don't spam i explained this website in detail how to use it the best practices in detail here on my channel in a full video about quora and getting traffic from quora

 please go to my description below or click on the link above here to watch this video it's very important  to learn how to use this platform it's very powerful to get traffic from okay so quora is number one then 

we have yahoo answers the same concept just like the category you want to answer and open the questions and start answering and linking back to your content but please don't spam another option is answers.com answers also has around 8 million visits per month 

so it's also a good source of traffic you can answer questions here and link back to your websites and services

okay now this is about q and a website the second part is about forums as an example if you go here to warriorforum one of the top forums worldwide about digital marketing this website gets around   400,000 visits per month so also you can go and engage 

with people share your thoughts   answer questions whatever you want and also you can link back to your website also we have another   examples like in my case i joined affiliate lift and i can answer questions about affiliate marketing and link back to my blogs and my website also you can check my forum H-educate forums 

when i answer your questions and if you are following in my forum you know i can link back to my website   and you can do also this by answering questions and engaging in the forum you can go to this   website find a forum.net and simply search for a forum in your niche 

as an example let's say it's about fitness i don't know what's your niche you can see go here and you will get a lot of forums where you can engage with and start answering questions engaging with people and getting traffic findaforum.net also Reddit is a great place to engage with people answer questions and get traffic from Reddit again please don't spam in any of these websites 

you will get banned try to give value and you will get traffic back to your websites and services so Reddit find a forum H-educate forums here's some examples of forums answers.com yahoo answers and quora   

all these websites can help you engage with people answer questions and get back traffic to your services to your blogs your websites to your maybe YouTube channel to whatever you want from these websites so this is the third strategy which is forums and q and a websites let's move now to strategy number four which is one of my best strategies simply email marketing here's one of my email marketing dashboards applications 

i'm using convert kit for my private email list if you   go here to my broadcasts you will see i have open or click rates up to 11% sometimes reaches 15% 16%   as an example this one got me 800 clicks

 so sending a campaign in one click gets me 800 clicks email marketing is very very important because if you haven't started collecting emails and building email lists yet 

you are missing a lot you are missing a lot of visitors sales and a lot of things and you are missing a lot in terms of growing your business we can see here 200 clicks 400 clicks 300 clicks all these are clicks to my websites so it's very important to start building email lists and sending newsletters 

and email marketing campaigns  to your subscribers to get a lot of traffic to your website in my case i'm using convert kit if you are interested in learning more about convert kit 

how i use it how i can reach up to 16% click rate all my email marketing secrets please comment down below in the comment section so i can know that you are interested in this topic and to create a full course about it you are not obliged to use convert kit 

we have a lot of services like get response mail chimp that i explained before we have a lot of services that you can use to start email marketing and building your email list you can see here on my website h-educate you can see on my landing page 

i have this sign up where i say get exclusive tips and join my email list you can join here if you haven't yet go now and join it if you want so strategy number four is building email list if i want to go now and start talking about email marketing and explaining email marketing in detail   

i may need like five or six hours if you don't know anything about email marketing you can go here to my website click on eBooks if you like reading i have this totally free eBook the power of emails i explained everything in detail about email marketing 

what i do some examples my secrets you can download totally for free and read this eBook also you can go to my YouTube channel 

you   will find my email marketing playlists here a lot of videos around 60 videos you can also   go to my academy if you want zeeshanonlinetv.blogspot.com you will find here my free email marketing course also you can check it 

and start implementing the email marketing power in your business to get more traffic to promote whatever you want and grow your business with email marketing so this is number four let's move on now to strategy number five eBooks and slide share if you go here to canva.com and go to my folders you will see in my eBooks 

i have this eBook i talked about now the power of emails i launched i published last week you can download for free here as i told you you can see in this eBook i have a lot of links my secret links you go here as an example let's go down to saw example this one here is a link let's maximize this you can see this is a link if you go down here all these all these images are links so this eBook is full of links 

so it's a very good strategy to create a valuable eBook a free eBook and start spreading all over the internet where people will download and get benefits from and at the same time you will get traffic from this eBook you can promote affiliate links your blog links your maybe SASS business whatever you want from this eBook another good example is to use slide share and 

i started by the way around the week if you log in here to my account just to show you this i published i think one slideshow this this one you can see i published it here and also it has links inside it a small slideshow talking about one of my articles one of my services 

if you go back to canva let's i will i want to show you this slide share presentations you will see i have now four i want to publish on slide share and all these are full of links you can do this with power point with canva whatever you want create presentations about your business 

and go here to slide share and upload it slide share has around 120 million visits per month so it's also a very good place to publish your slides on and get traffic from after you finish your eBook you can advertise on social media you can publish a lot of free eBooks websites a simple google search will do the job and by the way soon 

i will publish a full video on how to create an eBook and how to promote it so don't forget to stay tuned and subscribe and turn notifications to get every new update so this is strategy number five i think which is eBooks and slide share let's move on to strategy number six push notifications 

if you go now and open   a new browser and went to my website h-educate.com if you are following maybe you got this by the way you will see this pop up if you want to allow notifications from my site if you say allow you will be added to my push notifications list where if you go here to onesignal.com 

one of the top push notification services worldwide i will log into my account now you will see now that i have a lot of lists like this one has like 2,000 subscribers this one 700 this one 1.4 thousand and   so on and what's nice here you can enter any of these let's say my blog and go here to messages 

 and you can create a message you can see 8% click through rate create a new push and set a push   notifications to all these subscribers whenever you post anything whenever 

you post a blog a video an article whatever you want you can collect all these subscribers and they will a notification on your mobiles on their browsers and so on so also push notifications is very important and by the way if you are using WordPress like me 

let's go and show you this like in my blog let's log in to show you this practically to give you an idea you can simply install a plugin which is one signal you can see one signal push here go to plugins and search for one signal if you are using WordPress   

it's super simple just install this plugin here and connect with your account it's super simple   and you can collect push notification subscribers so you can promote anything you want whenever you publish anything on your website so this is strategy number six which is push notifications strategy number seven which is cross linking it is not a strategy it's somehow a very important tip if you have multiple websites you can use it like in my case i use this 

you can see this is my main website h-educate.com this is my blog this is my seo platform tools platform this is my forum if you go here as an example this link will take you to my forum this link will take you to my blog in my blog this link will take you to h-supertools this link will take you to my main website in my main website i can go to my academy to my blog to my forum to my services so simply you can cross link between your websites and in this way 

you can get traffic from each website to another and this is very important by the way also for SEO backlinking from different websites this is only in case you have multiple websites like i do okay it's a small tip let's move on now to strategy number six which is one of my best also it's simply YouTube if you have a YouTube channel you can utilize it for getting a lot of traffic 

if you go here click on any of these videos like this one and go to the description below you will see i have a lot of links in the description you can see a lot of links and i got a lot of clicks from YouTube if you go here to my short URL service link.me it's my own service by the way 

and go here and let's search for YouTube you will see hundreds of clicks sometimes thousands of clicks coming from YouTube hundreds thousands and so on so you have a lot of clicks and traffic getting from YouTube i think like 30% of my traffic is coming from YouTube channel 

so also YouTube is a very good source of traffic if you can start a channel it will be a very good idea to grow online 

and tell people about your businesses tell people about your websites and get a lot of traffic from YouTube by the way you can go to my description below and you'll find a link to the YouTube playlist where you will learn how to grow your channel and start a successful YouTube channel okay let's move on now to strategy number seven number seven is SEO search engine optimization if you go to my website to my back-end you will see here i have organic search 12,000 users per month 30% of my traffic   

is from seo from organic traffic what do i mean simply if someone now go to google.com and search for this keyword like postal set up let's say this keyword you will see that my blog will be on top of search results anyone will click and i will get free traffic directly from google 

this is the power of organic traffic   so what you are going to do simply is to optimize your website so you can rank on top of google or bing or any search engine if you go to here to my search console h-super tools you can see i have like 5 59,000 search clicks if you go here to search results you'll see i have 141,000 impressions on google last three months 

so it's a very good source of traffic to optimize your website for SEO of course i can't cover seo here this is why i have a playlist on my channel if you go here back to my YouTube channel to my playlist you will see

 i have the seo mastery course you can   follow up and learn seo and start implementing the seo techniques to get free organic traffic from google so this is strategy number seven which is seo it's very important to focus on watch   my videos or whatever videos you want courses you feel comfortable with but start implementing seo strategies on your websites to get free traffic strategy number eight is guest posting what is guest posting it's simply publishing articles on other blogs so it can reach the audience of that blog as an example just a small example 

if you go here to this website social media examiner   and you go down here you'll see this link write for us they allow you to write for them of course   they have some conditions and restrictions and so on you can read this page and you can submit   your post to this website and if they accept your guest post you can get traffic from this website   or if they don't allow links 

you can simply do something called brand awareness so the   audience of this website will know about you they will know there is someone called hassan that is   writing about digital marketing and this is also very important don't focus always on just getting   a click focus on brand awareness let people know about your content about your business about your   services and about you also you can go to google as an example and search for write for us and then   

enter your niche as an example blogging and google now will show you a list of websites where you   can contribute and publish guest posts on simple query just change the niche let's say here fitness   anything you want and you'll find the blogs and websites 

where you can post guest posts okay so this is about guest posting in short let's now move on and talk about paid traffic sources   what do we mean by paid ads simply is running ads when we talk about running ads we have platforms like google ads like Facebook ads like Quora ads like native ads mgid or out brain we have Reddit ads or maybe submitting ads on websites 

like maybe search engine journal warrior forum like publishing native ads or what we call banner ads on different websites so of course i can't go in detail in all in each one of these each one requires a full course to explain in detail but you have to know that you can also get traffic running google ads 

i also have some case studies here on my channel i also have a playlist about Facebook ads starting from scratch  i also talk about Quora ads and how to run ads on quora and why it's very important also i have some case studies on mgid promoting affiliate products also i have a case study and on out brain all these   are explained here on my channel each have several videos 

and playlists explaining those paid ad networks so i think in this course in this video it's enough to talk about the free traffic sources   

it's enough for you to start with and start getting really a lot of traffic to your website if   you implement starting from today and you will see real results as i do for my website as i showed   you on my website i have like 140,000 views every month now to be honest 

with you i didn't test Reddit ads but also you can test it if you want you can run paid ads on Reddit on LinkedIn on twitter on all these networks you can try a lot of different paid ads platforms also we have push ad networks like we have proper ads 

if you heard about it push ads network we can run push ads or push notification campaigns especially for affiliate marketers we have a lot of   ad networks 

where you can promote your content with paid advertising i hope you enjoyed this course i tried my best to cover everything i know each of these topics requires a full detailed courses 

i will try my best to publish more and more videos covering in detail all of   these if you are interested please let me know also but i think all what i explained here is   somehow simple to implement 

you just need to go and start working and to take action from today and you will see results i think almost from the second day you will start seeing new visitors traffic to your website don't forget please subscribe to my channel now   turn on notifications and like the video to get every new update almost every day see you later you 


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